All submissions to the International Leadership Journal must be the work of the submitting authors, who must agree that the journal will have copyright privileges if the submission is accepted for publication. In addition, all submissions will be considered only on the condition that they have not been published previously and are not under consideration elsewhere.
Copyright of any parts of a manuscript – e.g., figures, tables – that have been published previously must be clearly acknowledged. Once a submission has been accepted for publication, authors will receive a form that addresses these issues; the form must be signed, dated, and returned.

The following guidelines should be observed:

  • Use the format (writing, citations, references, headings, notes, tables, figures, charts) set out in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.)
  • Manuscripts should be typed using 12-point type, with all sections, including notes and references doubled-spaced. Margins – top, bottom, sides, should be set at one inch. Justification should be on the left only. Use Times Roman font.
  • Submissions should conform to ethical publication practices as set out in the APA Manual – e.g., guidelines on treatment of human subjects, statistical best practices, data sharing, acknowledgement of sources, use of non-discriminatory language.
  • Footnotes are unacceptable. If necessary, use endnotes – title them “Notes.”
  • Submissions must be written in English (The journal does not engage in translation or contract with translation services.)
  • Authors should provide high quality artwork for any illustrations. All tables and figures must have titles and numbers. Illustrations, tables, figures, or other materials that are not part of the primary textual narrative should be included exactly where they are intended to appear in the manuscript, not at the end of the manuscript or in a separate

Questions about the preparation of submissions or other matters should be directed to Dr. Joseph C. Santora, Founder and Editor: